Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Kundalini 40-Day

This morning, I begin a 40-day Kundalini Yoga journey to improve my physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

Healing from the holidays—from bad foods and less exercise--is always something I need to do. This season was a doozey, though, for it came with it an unfortunate personal matter, which required me to leave town several times to care for a family member. My yoga practice and good eating habits disappeared on December 15th. Ghostlike. Quick flight. Out the window. I am now looking for them to come back to me.

The reality is that I have to get back to them. Warriorlike. No quarter. Now.

I give myself plenty of yogic points for spending this last month caring for loved ones. Such work is called Bhakti Yoga. But the yoga of effort (Hatha), the yoga of energy (Kundalini) are in a state of deficit in my life, so much so that I very much dread, dear reader, what lies ahead of me on my path: hard, hard work to re-gain the foothold I’ve lost. I feel like our economy. Struggling, recovering, trying to get upright again.

Here’s the plan: I will be practicing Kundalini Yoga every day, performing a kriya (set of exercises) I blended from some of my Kundalini favorites: exercises for the back and navel center; the Kundalini cornerstone kriya/chant known as the Sat Nam Kriya; exercises to bring a feeling of calm and joy; meditation; and relaxation. Every day I intend to practice for about 40 minutes. I need this. I want this. It does not take a lot of yoga to start feeling better.

In addition to my Kundalini work, these 40 days will offer me the opportunity to eat well. I will attend to eating as much raw food as I can and avoid altogether alcohol, caffeine, white sugar, and white flour. I anticipate that the Kundalini Yoga will bolster my willpower and remind me of the groove I often feel from mindful eating. I hope to start feeling lighter and happier in just a few days.

I’ll keep a little log of my 40-day journey and share the highlights here, thereafter. Sat Nam. Namaste.

Monday, January 4, 2010

On Break

Happy New Year.

My pink yoga news is that I am now on a teaching sabbatical (end date unknown). It’s not that I do not love teaching. I do. And it’s not that I don’t care about my students. I om-om-om so really do. And it’s not that suddenly I have a problem with yoga, got all harumpfy with it one day and rolled up my yoga mat saying, “Hit the road, mat. I’m going to find real meaning, real fun and truth, without you! Who needs YOU?” I don’t, I didn't, and I do.

By allowing myself to hang up my teacher’s pashmina for awhile and don instead the worn t-shirt and yoga pants of the student, I will be readying myself for the day when what I have to offer is aligned with what I know as a yogi, an artist, a teacher, and an individual. I am taking a sabbatical in order to be a better teacher, yogi, and person.

This is not to say I am not available. For consulting, private lessons, and occasional special yoga events, I hope to be able to make some time. Additionally, I intend to produce more Pink Lotus Yoga products this year that will help users develop and deepen their very own om-ishness.

Finally, I intend to shift my energies towards other efforts besides yoga during this teaching break. Into whatever direction that takes me, one of my goals is to merge my love for writing with my love for yoga. So, dear reader, the upshot sum is this: I’ll be posting rants, chants, stories, and helpful yoga advice here at pinklotusnotes weekly or biweekly. I hope you’ll check back often and speak up about what you'd like to read and discuss.

Om and Namaste and may all your dreams be on their way.