Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Ten Reasons Why You Should Take Yoga Classes Regularly

1. There’s a pretty good chance you want to get or stay healthy, and by now you must have heard that yoga helps. In yoga, your wishes can be your command, just like the guy on the beach who meets the genie in the bottle, for the first two wishes, at least. A little careful work and boom! (Good things come in small packages.)

2. For whatever reason, like so many others, you likely have a mat that’s not going anywhere fast. And likely it’s PVC, so you might as well wear it down until someone has created a way to safely recycle it or make it into something interesting like a boot mat or lead-free purse. Go to yoga class to get ideas.

3. When you’re holding yoga poses, you can bet you look pretty damned good if you have to say so yourself. Or, if you refuse to say that, say this: “At least I look interesting. Interesting is good.” Do you not want others to see that?

4. There’s a thing called the yoga zone. You get there best from going to yoga class and practicing with others. It’s also called the yoga buzz. ‘Nuf said.

5. As a very smart person, you ‘get’ this whole yoga thing. You prefer relaxation to non-stop struggle, and yoga classes end with this nifty moment called relaxation pose. Arrive okay, leave OM’d-out.

6. If you want to touch your nose to your toes, you’d better get started, like, yesterday. It’s a hell of a long journey no matter how you attempt the connection. Every good yoga class offers you the chance to reach for your toes, over and over again!

7. You kind of like the quirkiness of yoga teachers. They can be serious and silly, graceful and clumsy, nice and mean, and sometimes they throw impossible physical and philosophical curve balls at you ‘just cuz.’ “Screw ‘just cuz’ in all things except yoga!” could be a best-selling yoga t-shirt, you feel. You’ve come to expect quirky: now get out there and get it!

8. Some of the nicest people in yoga classes are single. Just sayin.’ In case that matters. Just sayin.’

9. You can’t get enough of that poetic and lyrical ancient language of yoga, Sanskrit. If you hear your teacher roll off one more ‘Prasarita Padottanasana’ as he’s walking by you, you think you might just melt.

10. You’re what people call a ‘people’s person.’ Yoga students tend to like themselves and other people. Yoga means unity. Get some.