Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Yoga, Inc.

I heart yoga! But it's sometimes laughable and eye-rolling to me how in the U.S. it's Big Business; there are even yoga chains now. I love Bikram Yoga as a practice and enjoy teaching hot yoga though I'm amused and confused by hot yoga competitions. For extracted to its essence, yoga offers an incredible key to right living for the individual and for communities and seems to have evolved in our cultures for that purpose, though we'll never know exactly its very ancient purposes.

Increasingly, there dwells in me the cringe factor when I think of U.S. Yoga and my fellow yoga instructors' and my role in the biz. Dubious of American capitalism, I often now see yoga as just another cog in the greed wheel. Its irony escapes no one: Is it better to have the affluent practicing yoga and buying $110 yoga jeans (!!???) than spending their energies and buckeroos on non-yoga things? Yogis and economists might have similar answers. Either way, I am grateful for the John Philip's book, Yoga, Inc. Trailer:

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