Monday, October 11, 2010

Cleanse Update: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

Day Ten Report:

I am lighter! I haven't had processed foods, alcohol, caffeine, dairy, meat, and wheat in ten days! Zing! My horrible hip, thigh, and back pains just disappeared four days ago! There are a zillion beautiful whole foods recipes my coach has passed to me to enjoy, and the ones I've tried have been delicious. (I am particularly in love with the beetroot soup!). My coach emails me every night affirmation/food for thought new challenges, new meditations, and new ideas for re-thinking what, why, how, and when of my food intake. I know what foods I'm sensitive to, what triggers my cravings, and (lordy, this is FINE) how to now--because I've been practicing it--say to myself, "I don't want to have that. I choose not to eat that" instead of, "Oh my god, I hate this cleanse. Why do I have to be on a cleanse? Why can't I eat what I *WANT*? Life sucks" and other effort-defeating things. So my body is de-toxing, and my mind and heart arem too. THAT IS GOOD!

My sleeping problem is not solved. I've always been a bad sleeper: four or five hours, and I awake. Before the cleanse, I suspected that much of what I was eating for dinner was waking me up. I was partly right. I don't wait up now in some jagged post-sugar come down from a dinner heavy on the carbs, but...sigh...I STILL wake up. Not every night, because now I'm on this rocking special herb tea that my coach created just for me, and it helps calm the body/mind during the day to make a normal sleep more possible, but...I STILL am not sleeping well. THAT IS BAD!

And now...a cold. I used to get colds all the time. All the time. And between colds I'd have sinus infections. Once I brought yoga into my life, such poor health turned to good: I'm happy to report whereas eight years ago I was getting a cold every other month, I am now getting one cold every two or three years. Maybe it's the cleanse that made me vulnerable to germies this date, maybe I was just due, but here I am on Cleanse Day #10, and I'm miserable. And that's not good, or bad. THAT IS UGLY!

So I'm off to call my coach for some consulting. No wait. Consoling. No wait. Both.

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